After a successful decade being used as hardware accelerators, GPUs constitute today an attractive alternative for low cost high performance computing. CUDA is an NVIDIA parallel calculation architecture that fully exploits the potential of GPUs in order to provide an extraordinary increase on system performance.
In this context Manuel Ujaldón, CUDA fellow, will be visiting our country in order to participate in different activities in Universidad del Bío-Bío, Universidad de la Frontera, Universidad de Chile and Universidad Andrés Bello during January.
Manuel has worked in semi automatic parallelization and compilers of data parallelism for irregular applications during the development of his doctoral thesis, that concluded in 1996. During this period, formed part of the committees of specification of HPF and MPI, working as a post-doctorate at the Department of Computing Sciences at Maryland University in College Park (EEUU). In 2003, joined the GPGPU initiative using Cg, writing the first book in spanish on GPU programming for general purpose computing, focused on how to implement irregular applications and linear algebra algorithms in GPUs. Manuel substituted Cg for CUDA after its irruption, focusing from then on on applications of image processing and related to bioinformatics and data mining.
In the last 5 years has been co-author of more than 40 publications in journals and international congresses related to these thematics. Additionally, he has imparted more than 30 workshops on CUDA programming in universities all over the world, including european, american and australian centers of prestige. His work has been recognized by Nvidia with the Nvidia Academic Partnership award between 2008 and 2011, the Nvidia Teaching Center award between 2011 and 2013 in the Universidad de Málaga (Spain) and Newcastle University (Australia), the Nvidia Research Center award in 2012 as main researcher in the Universidad de Málaga, and finally the CUDA Fellow award in 2012.
For more information on the activities he will be conducting in Chile please visit this link
For more information about Manuel Ujaldón please visit his personal website here