Support Platform for Emergency and Applications Management

Academics linked to CITIAPS adjudicate new project that allows to assist in emergencies and natural disasters through real time processing of big flows of information.  Professors Mauricio Marín, Carolina Bonacic, Erika Rosas, Nicolás Hidalgo, Pablo Vera and Max Chacón have won a Fondef IDeA Applied Science project. On this occasion the competition was highly competitive, with a total of 664 projects on competition and less than an 8% of acceptance, what heightens this team’s merit. There was also other four projects that were adjudicated to Universidad de Santiago de Chile, what makes the 10% of the winners.
The project, denominated Support Platform for Emergency and Applications Management, proposes to build and diffuse a platform for the processing of big flows of events in real time, with properties that make it pertinent to deliver services of communications and parallel and distributed processing of data such as text messages, to applications of support to the management of emergencies and victims in disasters of natural origins and of similar kind, providing a transparent and sustainable environment for applications developers, and get the institutions responsible for civil protection interested.
The platform will provide a model of streaming applications programming, very easy to use and with software development support tools for these environments. The properties of this platform include:
(1) elastic in the sense it requires and liberates computational resources according to workload demand,
(2) efficient in parallel processing of data,
(3) scalable at a national level with deployment in different data centers distributed geographically,
(4) mobile respecting to the migration in a transparent way of the applications being executed to different data centers,
(5) robust respecting to the allowance of failures of processors inside and in between data centers,
(6) be multi-environmental in the sense that it extends its services to smart phones,
(7) pertinent to processing of multiple concurrent applications prioritizing in use of resources and flow of events,
(8) have a set of tools that facilitate the development of applications pertinent to emergency requirements.
The project counts with support by the ONG National Network for Emergencies, the SERNAGEOMIN (Volcanic Watch Network) and Seismic Risk Program U. Chile who will contribute with their respective experiences for the development of software applications that are pertinent to the requirements of emergencies in Chile, and also count with support by the National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC) who will contribute with their experience and support for the realization of platform testing and national scale applications.
Source: Informática USACH