The Scientific Strategic Committee of the National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC), recently informed the incorporation of Universidad del Bío-Bío as part of this initiative.
The institution aimed at installing in Chile a computing capacity that responds to the national scientific demand for high performance computing, (HPC).
The NLHPC offers high quality services and the promotion of its use in problems of basic and applied investigations, with industrial emphasis. During the last years, science and applied industry development has been directed by the sophisticated use of the information technologies and the communication (TIC), a process in which the HPC ha played an important role.
In Chile, some areas of the science as well as some areas of the industry, have reached a level of maturity that in order to keep its global competitiveness, require the use of technologies related to HPC.
“We acknowledge the interest of the University by our project and we invite you to promote between your academics and researchers the access to our supercomputing infrastructure”, pointed out Dr. Tomas Perez-Acle, director of the National Laboratory for High Performance Computing – Chile.
The majority of the research universities in Chile, directed by the Centre for Mathematical Modelling (CMM) of the Universidad de Chile (UChile), proposed CONICYT the creation of the National Laboratory for High Performing Computing (NLHPC) .
The NLHPC is formed by the Universidad de Chile (Sponsoring Institution), and as associate institutions (AI) the universities Católica del Norte (UCN), Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), Universidad de Santiago (USACH), Fundación Ciencia & Vida (FCV), la Universidad de Talca (UTalca) and Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO), in associatuon with REUNA .